Monday, June 2, 2008

Update on Bed Nets from Cissa Wa Numbe

June 2, 2008

Here is an email update from Dr. Cissa Wa Numbe, Director (Secretary General) of UN Association of the Dem. Rep. of Congo:

"I just returned yesterday in Kinshasa from Kivu (Goma and Bukavu) where I have been leading and coordinating the free distribution of the bed nets we bought as the result of your help and support. I will be sending you the report and photos as well about how well things went. It was one of my favorite times and work that I have ever enjoyed ever in my life.I can tell you, seeing pregnant women and those carrying their babies smiling after receiving a free net....was amazing and fabulous.

While the need is big, we did what we could. We did our best but many women and children in need didn't receive the nets. They are appealing to us once more to provide more nets as malaria is the biggest killer in the region.

We distributed in mostly 22 villages and about 1800 people received nets, but if you consider that some parents share beds with their children, we can estimate that more than 2000 families were indirect beneficiaries. In addition to distributing nets, we organised workshops and awareness raising about malaria and the use of treated bed nets.

The Congo Cause is still asking for your help with this project, as UNA-DRC has a balance to pay for the nets. Please visit the site for more information about how you can help save lives of families in eastern Congo.

Thank you!


Monday, January 14, 2008

CNN Cooper Anderson's Blog Article

CNN's Cooper Anderson has an excellent article on his blog. (And his video aired on CBS 60 Minutes on January 13, 200).

Please visit Cooper Anbderson's blog 360 for the article, "War Against Women in Congo."